Amate: Love Yourself
Hearts Taking Care of Our Health
Mujeres Movimiento (MM) is excited to announce our 2025 International Women’s Day Fundraiser!
Last year, all funds raised on International Women’s Day supported the education of three young women: Sarah, Anyelina, and Camila. This year, all the funds will be used to support the health of local women. More specifically, our goal is to raise enough money to provide as many local women as possible with a complete gynecological exam, including a mammogram.
This will be a first for almost all the women. So, to prepare them and allay their fears, the Mujeres Wellness Team will host a preliminary interactive workshop on women’s health issues and what to expect during the exams. After completing the workshop, MM will provide transportation to the exams. The women will go together in small groups, thereby providing each other with reassurance and emotional support.
Once all the women have completed their exams, received and shared the results, MM will host a celebratory party for all the participants. Additionally, MM will add a nutritionist to our already existing Wellness Team.
The Fundraiser: Amate: Corazones Cuidando Nuestra Salud (Love Yourself: Hearts Taking Care of Our Health)
This year’s fundraiser will be in two parts—one part in Sayulita and the second throughout the world. Both involve artisan hearts.
Two hearts, one goal.
Part One: Local Support in Sayulita
On March 8th Mujeres Movimiento erected the wall of hearts exquisitely hand painted by Mujeres Movimiento women. Each heart was sponsored by an individual or local business to celebrate the special women in their life.
The unveiling was held at the beautiful courtyard at Matiz restaurant in Sayulita.
This was the first part of the global Amate Project to bring people together in support of women’s health.
Part Two: Support From Around the World
While locals support the health of the women in their town, people around the world can support it as well. From now until Mother’s Day, Mujeres supporters can donate $30 USD and receive a stunning red heart handprinted on Amate paper.
This paper dates back to the Maya and Nahua civilizations and is made from the bark of various trees, including fig and mulberry. It was used for religious and legal texts, as a well as a canvas for painting. It is handmade in the State of Puebla in the small village of San Pablito.
Mujeres Movimiento is honored that the artisans of San Pablito are making these hearts for us!
Oh, one more important thing! When you or your loved one receives the heart, please take a picture of the recipient with the heart and send to: mujeresmovimientocentro@gmail.com with the woman’s name and location. We will add it to our map of the world showing how far reaching our Amate campaign is. We want our hearts to travel around the world, so please help us make it happen!
The hearts in both the campaigns were designed by local artist and Mujeres supporter, Laura Lavigne (lola).
Thank you, lola, for all the love you have poured into creating these hearts and teaching us how to make them!